Amitabh Bachchan shared a throwback photo from the look test of his 1971 film Reshma Aur Shera. “My look test for the film Reshma Aur Shera… 1969… I actually got selected,” captioned Big B on his Instagram page.
The megastar of Bollywood is dressed as a Rajasthani in the black and white photo, with a huge turban, two necklaces and earrings. He also has kohl in his eyes. The photo created a storm on the internet and the excitement of his followers was visible in his comment session. Many compared the photo with Sonu Sood, saying that Big B looks like him at the first glance. A large number of fans were thrilled to see the legendary actor’s behind-the-scene photo from the epic film.
The vintage photo shared by Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday
Bachchan played the character Chhotu in the Sunil Dutt directed film Reshma Aur Shera which was released in 1971. Set against the backdrop of Rajasthan, the film is a romantic narrative amid the feuding Rajput clans. The film also features Sunil Dutt as Shera, Waheeda Rehman as Reshma and Amitabh Bachchan as Chhotu, who is Shera’s brother. The film won three National Awards including Best Actor (Female) for Waheeda. It was also nominated for the Golden Bear at the 22nd Berlin International Film Festival.
Meanwhile, Bachchan has been very active on social media and also interacts with his followers often. He frequently shares photos or posters from his old films lately. Last month, he had shared a still of himself from the 1981 film Naseeb.